Wendy​ Morrison Acupuncture
Wendy​ Morrison Acupuncture
the point is.....acupuncture works!
the point is.....acupuncture works!
Five Flavours Magazine
Spring edition
For a taste of what's in store in the Spring 2012 edition please see below.
Click here if you would like to purchase an online edition
Basic Principles (of Chinese Dietary Therapy or Food Energetics)
- The Thermal Temperature of food will be unpacked bit-by-bit.
If we listen to our body...it speaks to us!
- In the Spring issue we discuss a Case History about a woman who suffered from Hayfever. The lady came for her first acupuncture treatment in early April and her Hayfever symptoms occurred in May...so we had a challenge on our hands! The article focusses on foods to avoid and foods to include.
Spotlight on: The Wonders of Water
- You will find out how water is more fundamental than even food due to the oxygen content to name but one aspect of water.
Article by Neil Kingham, Practitioner and Teacher of CDT
- 'Springtime Eating' and how we can support our bodies by eating in-tune with this Lesser Yang season.
Recipes for Spring
- Delicious recipes that can be eaten as a starter or a snack, two main dishes and also two desserts that are appropriate for the season of spring.
.....and lots more ..... Editor's Quick Tips, Springtime Food Suggestions and Old ChineseRemedies.