Wendy Morrison Acupuncture
Wendy Morrison Acupuncture
the point is.....acupuncture works!
the point is.....acupuncture works!
Health Gift Vouchers
Health Promoting Gift Ideas are growing in popularity these days because people are becoming more aware of how important it is to stay healthy and feel less stressed.
Acupuncture can be used in two ways:
1. To focus on a particular health problem.
2. For general well-being - because acupuncture can help keep the body in good health and prevent illness.
The Acupuncture session offers:
An opportunity to talk about overall health from a physical, emotional and mental perspective, which will guide my treatment towards the areas of the body that need re-balancing.
The Gift Vouchers are priced as follows:
- One hour General Well-being Acupuncture Taster (includes a 15 minute initial chat and acupuncture rebalancing treatment)@ £40
- Full Traditional Diagnosis & Acupuncture Treatment (this session lasts for two hours including a full medical consultation, acupuncture treatment and dietary advice) @ £50
- Monthly Acupuncture Health Plan (the first session would last for approximately two hours including a thorough medical consultation followed by an acupuncture treatment, the follow-up sessions are one hour). This Health Plan, with an acupuncture treatment every 4 weeks, is designed to support a persons general well-being. @ £40 per month.
The Gift Vouchers are attractively designed, and would be a lovely gift to give and also to receive.
WHAT NEXT: Please complete the form below with YOUR details and include in the comments section
a) Which Gift Voucher you would like
b) Who the Gift Voucher is for (provide the name as you would like it to appear on the voucher)
c) Any other information, such as if the gift is for a birthday or christmas etc.
PAYMENT: the voucher will be sent to YOUR ADDRESS once a cheque has been received, unfortunately I don't have the facilities for taking credit card transactions at the moment. Please send your cheque payable to Wendy Morrison, 1 Cherry Trees, Culver Lane, Rattery, South Brent, TQ10 9LJ with a short letter saying who the gift voucher is for and I will link your letter with the information you provide below.
I look forward to hearing from you.